AU - Australian Hydrogen Research Network (AHRN) A community of researchers and interested stakeholders supporting the emerging hydrogen industry in Australia. We foster excellence in hydrogen-related research through an ongoing program of seminars and knowledge-sharing activities.
AU - Australian National University (ANU) Publications on aspects of the Hydrogen economy transition.
AU - Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) The Knowledge Bank is an open-source library of reports, studies, multimedia and tools that provide guidance and learnings to benefit future renewable hydrogen energy projects.
AU - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Publications from CSIRO on Hydrogen Fuel Cell research and development of renewable energy solutions. Hydrogen Knowledge Centre
AU - Geoscience Australia / Monash University - Hydrogen Economic Fairways Tool (HEFT) HEFT was developed by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with Monash University & is based on an open-source economic model that maps the economic viability of H2 production opportunities across Australia.
AU - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) Publications from the RMIT Sustainable Hydrogen Energy Laboratory (SHEL) that pioneers
research and development on hydrogen energy solutions.
AU - Swinburne Institute of Technology / Victorian Hydrogen Hub Led by Swinburne University of Technology in partnership with CSIRO and Germany’s ARENA2036 factory, the Victorian Hydrogen Hub (VH2) brings together researchers, industry partners and business to drive the implementation of the hydrogen economy.
AU - University of NSW Hydrogen storage and battery technology groupResearch focuses on fabrication and storage optimization of a novel porous solid-state hydrogen storage material in fuel cell integrated systems to reduce the hydrogen storage pressure to only 10MPa, six times less than current market technology.
CH - Frontiers Frontiers is the 3rd most-cited and 6th largest research publisher and open science platform. Our research journals are community-driven and peer-reviewed by editorial boards of more than 260,000 top researchers.
CH - MDPI Hydrogen Journal MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Based in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.
CN - Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) DICP Chinese Academy of Sciences has established a long track record of major academic and industrial accomplishments in catalytic chemistry, chemical engineering, chemical lasers, molecular reaction dynamics, organic chemistry, modern analytical chemistry and biotechnology.
DE - Hyfindr Publications on hydrogen system components, materials and other hydrogen related equipment.
DE - Hydrogen Tech World Publications including an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and projects in the hydrogen production industries.
EU - Hydrogen Europe Research Publications from the European scientific community involved in the development of a new, industrial ecosystem based on hydrogen and committed to moving towards a circular, carbon-neutral economy.
EU - Joint Research Centre Publications Repository The JRC Publications Repository is the public access to all publications of the Joint Research Centre. It offers access to state-of-the-art science performed by the JRC to the wider scientific community, with full-text and open access. It is updated on a daily basis, including most recent outputs.
FI - Aalto University H2 Innovation Center Hydrogen open source search on technical materials relating to hydrogen evolution, storage, distribution, and fuel cells.
FR - The French National Research Network on Hydrogen Energy The French National Research Network on Hydrogen Energy (FRH2) brings together 30 laboratories with 300 well known researchers (CNRS researchers, faculty members and engineers) actively involved in the hydrogen sector.
INT - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
A central vehicle for the exchange and dissemination of new ideas, technology developments and research results in the field of Hydrogen Energy between scientists and engineers throughout the world.
JP - Advanced Industrial, Science and Technology, Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, Hydrogen Energy Carrier Team
Developing technologies for storing and utilizing large amounts of renewable energy that will help solve several energy issues facing Japan.
KR - Korea Institute of Energy Research
Future Energy Research Division conducts researches on H2 generation, storage, transportation, and utilization to realize a future energy society, focusing on the development of fuel cell technologies represented by generation, storage, and use of H2,
an eco-friendly source of energy with economic benefits obtained by coal fuels and water.
NL - ScienceDirect
From foundational science to new and novel research, discover our large collection of Physical Sciences and Engineering publications, covering a range of disciplines, from the theoretical to the applied.
NL - ScienceDirect Journal of Green Technologies and Sustainability
This Journal encourages and promotes interdisciplinary research and development to important technological and theoretical developments in greentech and sustainability issues.
SG - National University of Singapore - Centre for Hydrogen Innovations
Research site focus promotes cutting-edge R&D advancements in H2 production, storage, and utilization; and fosters collaborations with industries, academia, and agencies to drive H2-based solutions.
UK - Geological Society Publications - Lyell Collection
Research site search "hydrogen" - the Lyell Collection represents one of the largest integrated collections of online Earth Science literature available.
UK - Royal Sociaety of Chemistry
RSC develop, recognise and celebrate professional capabilities. We bring people together to spark new ideas and new partnerships. Noting Hydrogen is an essential element for life. It is present in water and in almost all the molecules in living things.
UK - The Major Projects Association - Knowledge Centre
Renewable Hydrogen Energy: Applied Scientific and Engineering References - A set of recent, curated, renewable Hydrogen energy scientific and engineering references covering:
H2 production via electromechanical and electrolysis methods;
H2 production via solar and protonic ceramics; proton exchange membrane fuel cells;
H2 storage as liquid or compressed gas and Type IV carbon fibre reinforced storage products.
Industry area references are categorized under Automotive; Aviation; Defence; Marine; Rail; and Smelting and Steel. References to significant H2 Research Centers, and H2 market analyses are also included.
UK - TheIET.ORG The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Wiley - Search "hydrogen + energy" => research developments -> we inspire, inform and influence the global engineering and technology community to engineer a better world.
UK - Science X / PHYS.ORG
Search "hydrogen + energy" => Daily science news on research developments, technological breakthroughs and the latest scientific innovations.
UK - University of Birmingham
The Birmingham Centre for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Research focuses on research and development, applications and demonstrations of fuel cell and hydrogen systems and technologies.
UK - University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge, are developing low-cost light-harvesting semiconductors that power devices for converting water into clean hydrogen fuel.
US - American Chemical Society (ACS) pubs.acs.org
ACS Publications’ commitment to publishing high-quality content continues to attract impactful research that addresses the world’s most important challenges.
US - IEEE ieee.org
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
US - Mendeley.com
Search "hydrogen + energy" => Year/Document Type/Journal/Author/Access Type/Most relevant/Most recent/Most cited science articles on research developments, technological breakthroughs and the latest scientific innovations.
The research capabilities at HyTEC range from a wide variety of experimental and modeling areas associated with hydrogen. We have partnered with world-leading industries and organizations to advance the science and develop new technologies necessary to improve efficiency, reduce cost, and improve the safety of hydrogen production, liquefaction, storage and transportation.
US - Nature.com
Search "hydrogen + evolution + reaction + HER" for wide variety of journal articles on researched developments, technological breakthroughs and latest innovations.
US - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
NREL's research accelerates development, integration, and scale up of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies to enable widespread deployment across multiple energy sectors.
US - Naval Postgraduate School Energy Academic Group (EAG)
Energy Academic Group maintains the Naval Postgraduate School as a Navy center of excellence for energy graduate education and research. Our efforts focus on solving the Navy, Marine Corps, and Department of Defense’s most critical energy problems through graduate education and research. To that end, EAG employs a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach using the basic sciences, engineering, operations and analysis, and business methods.
US - Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Technical information about hydrogen published in technical reports, conference proceedings, journal articles, and websites is provided, across categories: General, Production, Delivery, and Storage.
US - Pennsylvania State University, H2E Center
Researchers at Penn State are active in a variety of topics in hydrogen production, storage, and use in fuel cells and for other applications.
US - Proceedings of the National Academv of Sciences, PNAS
PNAS is one of the world's most-cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific journals, publishing more than 3,500 research papers annually.
US - Sandia National Laboratories, SNL
Sandia National Laboratories is operated and managed by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc.
US - University of Michigan - MI Hydrogen
A joint venture by the Office of the Vice President for Research, Michigan Engineering and the School for Environment and Sustainability.
US - University of South Carolina College of Engineering and Computing
Publications includes a number of specific areas of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells research related to fundamental knowledge, technical applications, and integrated systems.
US - Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)
SwRI develops applied R&D solutions with hydrogen technology used in rockets, alternative combustion, fuel cells, energy storage, and industrial processing plants.
US - University of Maryland (UMD)
Faculty at UMD are engaged in many aspects of fuel cell R&D including:
Microbial fuel cells - a bio-electrochemical system that uses bacteria as the catalyst to oxidize organic and inorganic matter, and consequently, generate electric current. Applications include power generation systems, bio-recovery, & waste-water treatment.
Polymer electrolyte membrane Fuel Cells - deliver high power density and offer the advantages of low weight and volume compared with other fuel cells. PEM fuel cells use a solid polymer as an electrolyte and porous carbon electrodes containing a platinum or platinum alloy catalyst.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - use a hard, non-porous ceramic compound as the electrolyte. SOFCs operate at very high temperatures which removes the need for precious-metal catalyst, thereby reducing cost.
US - University of Texas (UT) Feautured publications and White Papers on Blue Hydrogen, Green H2 economy, H2 infrastructure, and achieving NET ZERO by 2050.