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Hydrogen Energy Research
Published 2025-03-12

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Hydrogen Energy Research
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AusH2: Australia's Hydrogen Opportunities Tool (2025)


Hydrogen National Strategy (48)

09/03/2025, ScienceDirect, Optimisation of green hydrogen production for hard-to-abate industries: An Italian case study considering national incentives

N.1 AFRICA (6)
DZ H2 Strategy N.1.1. DZ, 2023: Roadmap for the Development of Hydrogen, "The roadmap for the development of hydrogen aims to make Algeria a pioneer country at regional and international levels in the production and marketing of this new energy by working to provide the European market with 10% of its needs by 2040."
EG H2 Strategy N.1.2. EG, GREEN HYDROGEN STRATEGY, "Egypt aims to position itself as a major exporter of green hydrogen, contributing to the global transition to a low-carbon economy"
KE H2 Strategy N.1.3. KE, GREEN HYDROGEN STRATEGY ROADMAP FOR KENYA, "The analysis showed that Kenya has sufficient renewable energy resources that are available in the country for large scale production of green hydrogen without harming the availability and supply to electricity consumers. This comprehensive approach underscores the strategy’s commitment to nurturing a shared vision, elevating green hydrogen to a pivotal cross-cutting factor in Kenya’s development agenda. By acting as a catalyst for sustainable socio-economic advancement, the strategy harmonizes with the nation’s steadfast pursuit of sustainable growth."
MT H2 Strategy Offer N.1.4. MT, GREEN HYDROGEN MOROCCAN OFFER, "Thanks to the enlightened vision of His Majesty the King, may God assist Him, Morocco is playing an important part in the global energy transition and increasing its position as an energy hub. With its significant solar and wind energy potential, the Kingdom is one of the countries with the largest potential for green hydrogen generation, capable of meeting more than 4% of global demand by 2030. This is a significant potential for the Kingdom, which sees it as a way to decarbonize its economy, generate wealth, and create jobs."
NA H2 Strategy Offer N.1.5. NA, Namibia. Green Hydrogen and Derivatives Strategy, "Green hydrogen plays a crucial role in the global decarbonization effort because of its versatility and unique ability to connect power, gas, chemicals and fuel markets, especially in hard-to- abate sectors. Under a net-zero by 2050 scenario, global demand for hydrogen and its derivatives is expected to soar from an estimated 140 mtpa of hydrogen equivalent in 2030 to 660 mtpa in 2050."
ZA H2 Strategy Offer N.1.6. ZA, GREEN HYDROGEN COMMERCIALISATION STRATEGY FOR SOUTH AFRICA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 30 NOVEMBER 2022, "The rapidly developing global Green Hydrogen (GH) market is a significant opportunity for South Africa to position itself as a global competitor in future green energy markets. Developing a vibrant GH domestic demand landscape and manufacturing capability in South Africa will be critical to decarbonise our economy and to mitigate the risk of declining fossil fuels usage linked to industrial activity. Ultimately, a thriving GH sector in South Africa will contribute to the country’s sustainable competitiveness as the world transitions to Net Zero."
N.2 ASIA (6)
CN H2 Strategy N.2.1. CN, CHINA RELEASED THE FIRST MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM HYDROGEN ROADMAP, "On 23 March 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) published the “Medium and Long-term Plan for Hydrogen Energy Industry Development (2021-2035)”. This is the first time China’s central government issues a comprehensive strategy for hydrogen development. The document sets goals for the time until 2035."
IN H2 Strategy N.2.2. IN, National Green Hydrogen Mission, "To make India the Global Hub for production, usage and export of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives. This will contribute to India’s aim to become Aatmanirbhar through clean energy and serve as an inspiration for the global Clean Energy Transition. The Mission will lead to significant decarbonisation of the economy, reduced dependence on fossil fuel imports, and enable India to assume technology and market leadership in Green Hydrogen"
JP Basic H2 Strategy N.2.3. JP, Overview of Basic Hydrogen Strategy, "Through green transformation (GX), Japan aims to simultaneously realize stable energy supply, economic growth, enhanced international industrial competitiveness, and decarbonization. In order to draw out more than 150 trillion yen in GX-related investment from the public and private sectors over the next 10 years, the government has indicated a policy of providing upfront investment support on the scale of 20 trillion yen."
KR KIER H2 Strategy N.2.4. KR, Republic of Korea - KIER Energy Policy Research Team, "In order to develop a vision of energy technology for transition to a carbon-neutral country, KIER is in charge of establishing R&D strategies such as R&D business & operation plans and mid- to long-term R&D strategies plan. Also, based on energy technology policy research, we are striving to prepare technological alternatives that can proactively respond to national energy and climate change issues. Moreover, we are supporting establishment of national energy technology R&D strategies as National Technology Strategy Center of Ministry of Science and ICT."
MY H2 Strategy N.2.5. MY, HYDROGEN ECONOMY – POWERING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, "The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) successfully organised an inaugural seminar with the theme ‘Hydrogen Economy – Building a Sustainable Ecosystem in Shaping the Future of Energy, Materials & Infrastructure’ at MIDA Sentral, Kuala Lumpur on 21 March 2023. This seminar aimed to explore the significant potential of hydrogen technology and its ability to transform Malaysia’s energy, materials, and infrastructure sectors."
SG H2 Strategy N.2.6. SG, Singapore’s National Hydrogen Strategy, "For Singapore, hydrogen will complement and diversify our power mix alongside solar, imported electricity, and other potential low-carbon energy sources. Depending on technological developments and the development of other energy sources, hydrogen could supply up to half of our power needs by 2050 and will play an important role in decarbonising our industry."
N.3 EUROPE (26)
AT H2 Strategy N.3.1. AT, Hydrogen Strategy for Austria, "Compatibility with the goal of achieving climate neutrality is only ensured through the use of climate-neutral hydrogen. In the intermediate term, it will remain a scarce and high-quality energy carrier and must therefore be used efficiently through focused deployment."
BE H2 Strategy N.3.2. BE, Belgian federal Hydrogen Strategy, "On October 29, 2021, the federal government adopted its first hydrogen strategy on the proposal of Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten. This document announced for the first time Belgium's ambitions for renewable molecules and the role it wants to play as an import and transit hub in Europe. Since then, many measures have been initiated. On October 12, 2022, the federal government validated an update of this strategy to reflect the state of progress of the implementation of the latter. Additional measures are announced taking into account recent developments in the sector."
CZ H2 Strategy N.3.3. CZ, The Czech Republic's Hydrogen Strategy, "The Czech Republic’s Hydrogen Strategy is being developed in the context of the Hydrogen Strategy for a climate neutral Europe, which reflects the European Green Deal objective of climate neutrality by 2050. The objective of the Strategy is thus to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in such a way that the economy shifts smoothly to low-carbon technologies."
DE H2 Strategy N.3.4. DE, National Hydrogen Strategy Update, "The use of hydrogen and its derivatives will play a key role in the decarbonisation process, in particular for the transformation process in the energy sector, the transport sector and industry that is due to be completed by 2030."
DK H2 Strategy N.3.5. DK, Danish strategy for Power-to-X (PtX), "Together with a broad majority in the Folketing, the Government has also funded Danish value chain projects for hydrogen (IPCEI) with DKK 850 million, allocated roughly DKK 400 million to the development of PtX via the EUDP and Danish Energy Agency’s energy storage funding pool and finally, allocated DKK 500 million from REACT-EU to act on the recommendations from the regional growth teams to establish eight local commercial beacons in Denmark."
EE H2 Strategy N.3.6. EE, Estonian Hydrogen Roadmap, "Based on the long-term development strategy ‘Estonia 2035’ and the European Green Deal, Estonia has set itself ambitious climate, environmental and energy objectives. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to switch from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources, including hydrogen."
ES H2 Strategy N.3.7. ES, SPAIN RENEWABLE HYDROGEN ROADMAP, "The Spanish government has developed the county’s “Hydrogen Roadmap: A Commitment to Renewable Hydrogen” plan to contribute to achieving climate neutrality and a 100% renewable electricity system with objectives for 2030 and a vision for 2050 to ensure that renewable hydrogen contributes to the country’s climate neutrality.by 2050."
EU H2 Strategy N.3.8. EU, Key actions of the EU Stratey, "The hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe was adopted in July 2020. By the first quarter 2022, all of its 20 action points were implemented and delivered. The 20 key actions in the EU Hydrogen Strategy (COM/2020/301) are listed below with follow-up information and links."
FI H2 Strategy N.3.9. FI, Net-Zero Government Initiative (NZGI) Finland, "Finland will double its production of clean electricity. The share of renewable energy in energy production will be increased, and action will be taken towards phasing out the use of fossil fuels in heat and electricity production by the 2030s at the latest."
FR H2 Strategy N.3.10. FR, NATIONAL HYDROGEN STRATEGY, "Harnessing the hydrogen sector’s full potential in pursuit of France’s decarbonization and reindustrialization."
HR H2 Strategy N.3.11. HR, HYDROGEN STRATEGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA UNTIL 2050, "The Strategy therefore sets out indicative possibilities for the development of production, storage, transport and general use of hydrogen with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions, as well as the possibility of including the economy in the equipment production sector."
HU H2 Strategy N.3.12. HU, HUNGARY’S NATIONAL HYDROGEN STRATEGY, "On the long term, the Strategy focuses on “green” hydrogen, but in addition to hydrogen based on electricity generated using renewable resources, primarily solar energy, Hungary does not ignore opportunities for hydrogen production based on carbon-free energy accessed either through a nuclear basis or from the network. Additionally, in the short and medium term, a rapid reduction in emissions and the establishment of a viable hydrogen market will also require low-carbon hydrogen."
IE H2 Strategy N.3.13. IE, National Hydrogen Strategy, "The National Hydrogen Strategy sets out the strategic vision on the role that hydrogen will play in Ireland’s energy system, looking to its long-term role as a key component of a zero-carbon economy, and the short-term actions that need to be delivered over the coming years to enable the development of the hydrogen sector in Ireland."
IS H2 Strategy N.3.14. IS, Hydrogen and E-fuels Roadmap for Iceland, "Green hydrogen and related chemicals derived from hydrogen (e.g., e-ammonia, e-meth- anol, e-diesel, and e-kerosene) will significantly decarbonise the world economy as feedstock and fuel. It will play a key role in sectors heavily relying on fossil fuels, such as heavy-duty road transport, maritime and aviation sectors, and industries that are hard to decarbonise such as the fertiliser, steel, and refinery industries. In Iceland, hydrogen and e-fuels are the keys to decarbonising the transportation and maritime sectors."
LT H2 Strategy N.3.15. LT, LITHUANIAN NATIONAL ENERGY INDEPENDENCE STRATEGY – A ROADMAP FOR THE FUTURE, "Domestically produced biomethane and hydrogen will play a strong role in public and heavy duty transport decarbonization so infrastructure is being prepared in advance. It is planned to increase the share of renewable gases in the transport sector by 5% until 2030."
LU H2 Strategy N.3.16. LU, Stratégie hydrogène du Luxembourg, "In Luxembourg, an annual consumption of fossil hydrogen of around 450 tonnes (H2) has been identified in industry. The substitution of presently used fossil H2 by renewable H2 should constitute an intermediate objective, allowing for GHG emissions savings of up to >5,000 tonnes (CO2) per year. Then, renewable hydrogen will contribute to the gradual decarbonisation of other hard-to-abate processes. Against the background of the traget climate neutrality by 2050, renewable hy"
LV H2 Strategy N.3.17. LV, National Hydrogen Strategy, "Latvia, as already one of the greenest countries in Europe, must utilize its potential in renewable energy, hydrogen technologies, and bioeconomy, becoming both a net exporter of electricity and a leader in green technology development,” emphasizes Minister of Economics Viktors Valainis."
NL H2 Strategy N.3.18. NL, Excelling in Hydrogen Dutch technology for a climate-neutral world, "Next to its use as feedstock or fuel, hydrogen can, as an energy carrier, solve systemic issues by enabling further integration of renewable energy in our energy system. Although challenges lie ahead, fostering the development of hydrogen is key to making the energy transition a success."
NO H2 Strategy N.3.19. NO, The Norwegian Government’s hydrogen strategy, "This hydrogen strategy is a contribution to the process of developing new low emission technologies and solutions. An increased focus on hydrogen in Norway is in line with the goal of having internationally competitive businesses which develop the technology and solutions addressing tomorrow’s challenges. We will grasp the opportunities presented by the green transition."
PT H2 Strategy N.3.21. PT, National Strategy for Hydrogen, "Council of Ministers Resolution no. 63/2020 - Portugal has established the National Hydrogen Strategy according with the attachment of the Council of Ministers' Resolution 63/2020, published on 14/08/2020, which is an integral part of it."
RO H2 Strategy N.3.22. RO, National Strategy for Hydrogen and Action Plan for Romania, "The strategy implementation will be continuous and will take into consideration any changes in the internal and external context during the analysed strategic timespan. Actions and measures are defined in view of the general objectives, ensuring that their sum results in the benchmarks being reached."
SE H2 Strategy N.3.23. SE, Hydrogen strategy, "Hydrogen will play an important role for Swedish industry when implementing the 22 roadmaps for fossil-free competitiveness. Fossil Free Sweden has developed a strategy to use hydrogen to achieve the climate goals but also with a focus on new industrial initiatives to create innovations, jobs and export products."
SK H2 Strategy N.3.24. SK, Slovakia Hydrogen Strategy: Ready for the Future, "The National Hydrogen Strategy defines the strategic role of the state in use of hydrogen technologies in the Slovak Republic in the context of current development in the European Union member states."
Ukraine H2 Strategy N.3.25. UA, UA Decarbonisation and the Green Deal: Ministry of Energy presents the draft Hydrogen Strategy, "The Ukraine Ministry of Energy presented the draft Hydrogen Strategy until 2050 during a working group meeting. The document contains up-to-date data on the development of hydrogen energy in the world, hydrogen classification and analysis of international legislation."
UK H2 Strategy N.3.26. UK, UK Hydrogen Strategy: Dec 2024 update, "This strategy sets out the approach to developing a thriving low carbon hydrogen sector in the UK to meet our increased ambition for 10GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030. The page includes hydrogen strategy updates to the market."
CA H2 Strategy N.4.1. CA, The Hydrogen Strategy, "The Hydrogen Strategy was released in December 2020, and positions Canada as a world-leading producer, user and exporter of low-carbon hydrogen and associated technologies. Natural Resources Canada engaged with stakeholder groups, provincial and territorial governments, and Indigenous partners to develop a strategy that will help set us on the path to meet our climate change goals of becoming net-zero by 2050."
US H2 Strategy N.4.2. US, U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap, "The U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap explores opportunities for clean hydrogen to contribute to national decarbonization goals across multiple sectors of the economy. It provides a snapshot of hydrogen production, transport, storage, and use in the United States today."
AU H2 Strategy N.5.1. AU, Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy, "Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy sets a vision for a clean, innovative, safe and competitive hydrogen industry that benefits all Australians. It aims to position our industry as a major global player by 2030."
NZ H2 Strategy N.5.2. NZ, New Zealand’s hydrogen roadmap, "Development of a Hydrogen Roadmap was included as an action in the first Emissions Reduction Plan in 2022. The roadmap will outline the Government’s position on the future role of hydrogen in New Zealand and set out the pathway for establishing a hydrogen industry in Aotearoa New Zealand that will support the transition to net zero 2050."
AR H2 Strategy N.6.1. AR, 2023 National Strategy for the Development of the Hydrogen Economy, "The excellent conditions for the production of low-emission hydrogen that exist in Argentina, mainly due to the quality of wind, solar, gas and biomass resources, make our country an attractive destination for investments."
BR H2 Strategy N.6.2. BR, 2031 TEN-YEAR ENERGY EXPANSION PLAN, "Hydrogen has the potential to initiate a paradigm shift in the energy sector, bringing substantial opportunities to Latin America. The region can become a world leader mainly in low carbon hydrogen, considering the abundant and competitive renewable energy resources, as well as contributing to strongly decarbonize the region's industries and transportion sector."
CL H2 Strategy N.6.3. CL, NATIONAL GREEN HYDROGEN STRATEGY Chile, a clean energy provider for a carbon neutral planet, "Like hydrogen, Chile is small by nature and, accordingly, contributes just 0.3% to global greenhouse gas emissions. However, we too have an outsized role to play in turning the tide on rising emissions and pursuing a low carbon path to growth and development. What we lack in size, we more than make up for in potential. In the desert in the North, with the highest solar irradiance on the planet, and in the Patagonia in the South, with strong and consistent winds, we have the renewable energy potential to install 70 times the electricity generation capacity we have today. This abundant renewable energy will enable us to become the cheapest producer of green hydrogen on Earth. Our National Green Hydrogen Strategy is aimed at turning this promise into reality."
CO H2 Strategy N.6.4. CO, Colombia's Hydrogen Roadmap, "The purpose of the Hydrogen Roadmap is to contribute towards the development and implementation of low-emission carbon hydrogen in Colombia, thus reinforcing the Government's commitment to the reduction of emissions according to the objectives set forth in the 2015 Paris Agreement. In order to develop this Roadmap, the Colombian Government has the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through its Energy Division and its Climate Change and Sustainability Division."
PY H2 Strategy Roadmap N.6.5. PY, Towards the Green Hydrogen Roadmap in Paraguay, "This project, in the form of guidelines and a proposal for a demonstration project, aims to be a catalyst for the development of the green hydrogen (H2) economy in Paraguay aimed at meeting energy needs and contributing to producti- ve development. In addition, it is a comple- ment to national efforts to develop sustai- nable urban mobility as an alternative for the mitigation of the environmental and public health impact of mobility and trans- portation activities, which are responsible for poor air quality, noise pollution and increased temperatures in urban centers."
UY H2 Strategy N.6.6. UY, Green Hydrogen Roadmap in Uruqguay, "This roadmap is a first step to start setting a course in dialogue with many other stakeholders and in parrallel to drive concrete actions through the development of a specific program called H2U."

Atomic Mass (mole): Hydrogen 1.00784 u; Carbon 12.011 u; Oxygen 15.999 u
Molar Mass: Dihydrogen 2.01568 g/mole; Carbon 12.011 g/mole; Oxygen 31.998 g/mole

1000g H2(g) + 7937g O2(g) ↔ 8937g H2O(l) + 33.33kWh Energy (LHV)
3kg H2(g) + 24kg O2(g) ↔ 27kg H2O(l) + 100kWh Energy (LHV)
Light duty FCEV GH2 tank: 4-6kg H2(g)
Light duty FCEV: 1kg H2(g) / 100km
Basic filling flow rate: 1-2kg H2(g) / min
Fast filling flow rate: 14-21kg H2(g) / min
Cryogenic volumetric mass density: 70kg H2(l) / m3

HYDROGEN SHOT USA: 1kg H2 / 1USD by 2031

Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER): 2H2O(l) ↔ 2H2(g) + O2(g) E0 = -1.229V
Gravimetric Energy Density HHV
H2 Phase Diagram
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Harvard Reference Citation:
otso.com.au. (2025). Hydrogen Energy Research. [online] Available at: https://otso.com.au/ [Accessed 2025-03-12].