Lieutenant Commander Robert Cole Basford
MIEAust CPEng NER RAN (Retd)

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2020-present OTSO
🔴2013-2020 Germany
1997-2013 Finland
1990-1997 ADF.Navy
1978-1990 ADF.Army

Royal Military College of Australia



2019 Helsinki University of Technology Course Certificate
Course included:
01. Identify autonomy and adaptivity as key concepts of AI
02. Distinguish between realistic and unrealistic AI (science fiction vs. real life)
03. Express the basic philosophical problems related to AI including the implications of the Turing test and Chinese room thought experiment
04. Formulate a real-world problem as a search problem
05. Formulate a simple game (such as tic-tac-toe) as a game tree
06. Use the minimax principle to find optimal moves in a limited-size game tree
07. Express probabilities in terms of natural frequencies
08. Apply the Bayes rule to infer risks in simple scenarios
09. Explain the base-rate fallacy and avoid it by applying Bayesian reasoning
10. Explain why machine learning techniques are used
11. Distinguish between unsupervised and supervised machine learning scenarios
12. Explain the principles of three supervised classification methods: the nearest neighbor method, linear regression, and logistic regression
13. Explain what a neural network is and where they are being successfully used
14. Understand the technical methods that underpin neural networks
15. Understand the difficulty in predicting the future and be able to better evaluate the claims made about AI
16. Identify some of the major societal implications of AI including algorithmic bias, AI-generated content, privacy, and work