Lieutenant Commander Robert Cole Basford
MIEAust CPEng NER RAN (Retd)

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2020-present OTSO
🔴2013-2020 Germany
1997-2013 Finland
1990-1997 ADF.Navy
1978-1990 ADF.Army

Royal Military College of Australia




03.2019-11.2019 - EMERITUS Institute of Management / MIT Management Executive Education / Columbia Business School
Subjects included per Module:
Module 1: Digital Strategies for Business: Leading the Next-Generation Enterprise
01. The Five Domains of Digital Transformation - A Holistic Framework
02. From Mass Marketing to Customer Networks and New Path to Purchase
03. Five Core Behaviors of Customers in the Digital World
04. Platform overview
05. Coopetition, Dis/intermediation, and Asymmetric Competitors
06. Building Data as a Strategic Asset for Your Business
07. Big Data at Work: New Data, New Tools, and Templates of Value
08. Innovation Through Experimentation: AB Test and Minimum Viable Products
09. Translating the Lean Startup to Enterprise Scale Innovation
10. Adapting Your Value Proposition
11. Mastering Disruptive Business Models
12. Surviving Disruption: Six Incumbent Responses to a Disruptive Challenger
13. Leadership and the Customer Value Imperative

Module 2: Digital Transformation: Platform Strategies for Success
01. Platform Definitions and Overview
02. Platform Foundations
03. Design and Monetization
04. Platform Launch and Growth
05. Open Innovation
06. Strategy and Competition
07. Platform Governance

Module 3: Digital Marketing: Customer Engagement, Social Media, Planning & Analytics
01. The Five-Step Process of Planning and Executing Your Digital Marketing Strategy
02. Digital Marketing Overview + Access Strategy
03. Engage Strategy
04. Customize Strategy
05. Connect Strategy
06. Collaborate Strategy
07. Digital Advertising Mix - Key Channels and Principles
08. Best Practices from Brands on Social Networks
09. Lessons From Brand Failures in Social Media
10. Making Digital Matter - Metrics, ROI, and Agile Modelling
11. Organizational Challenges of Digital Marketing
12. Six Faces of the Near Future of Marketing

Module 4: Capstone Project
01. Apply Digital Strategies to a Business Challenge/Idea